Tuesday, July 13, 2010

One more month before school starts. It doesn't seem possible, I am sure my grand son is not happy about that. Yet, every July the school supplies invade Target and Wal-mart waiting to be bought and brought home.

Do you like going to supply stores and looking around? Like Office Max or Office Depot? I love to go see what is new and what I must have. Even Ace Hardware, or other small hardware stores - I just find something old fashioned about going in and see what they have.

I have gotten three tomatoes' off my plants this year. Not a very good crop but what I got was good and made wonderful lettuce, tomato and bacon sandwiches. I don't think there is much better for a summer evening meal, with a cup of fruit? yummm

It is hot and humid in Kansas - how is it where you live? I thought we were going to get some rain last night. We could see the lightening and hear the thunder but it never came far enough to get us.

Sparky was getting a little spooked when it would thunder, he would roll his big brown eyes toward me and whimper. I would have to comfort him and tell him it is okay. As long as the TV was on he didn't hear it too much.

Night before last I woke about 2 am to noise, it was Sparky trying to take Buster's bed over to put on top of his bed. I don't know what happened to Buster - he was not in his bed. He is the silliest dog, he is always moving, dragging or flipping beds around to make one bigger, softer and fluffier for him to lay in. It doesn't matter if Buster is in his bed or not, he will lay on top of him if need be. I have seen him do it! (That is probably how Buster got bruised ribs that time!)

Today it has been one year since we lost our Dear Friend Tom. He has made his address in Heaven for a whole year. I bet it doesn't seem like that long to him. But to his wife and family here they still miss him daily. Next month he will become a grandpa for the second time. He would have loved to be here for that I am sure. We still miss him and always well. It has also been four months now since I lost my sister, I am sure the freshness of her passing is still too fresh on Jim's mind. I still want to pick up the phone to call her, but she is not there. So I talk to her anyway. I don't know that she can hear me, but at least I say what I want. People still write on her Facebook page. So I know I am not alone in missing her.

Well, have a good evening and I will try to be more cheerful the next time! Love always, Sandy

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